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Rolf Waeber

Royal Mountain Travel

August 2015
Mothers of Panauti are determined to welcome tourists

I enjoyed this homestay in being part of a very nice family in Panauti this August 2015. I recommend it, as it was a wonderful experience. Rolf Waeber, Writer, Switzerland

Article in the Nepalese News
Article in the Nepalese News


August 2015

Turkish Airlines (Amsterdam Marketing & Sales Manager TK E. K.) and Royal Mountain Travel Nepal expert (R. G.) arranged a press trip through Nepal with international journalists and photographers from Europe. The aim of this undertaking was to make people again to travel to Nepal after the devastating earthquakes this year. We have seen that much is reconstructed now and reconstruction is going well.

I and my group members are thankful that Turkish Airlines and Royal Mountain Travel Nepal organized this press journey and we could be part of it.

The journey was a great success and Nepalese newspapers wrote several articles about our group. Turkish Airlines were mentioned and pictures of us and the banner of Turkish Airlines were photographed and printed several times. There was also held a press conference in Kathmandu and local news people from press and TV interviewed our group. We all together concluded that Nepal is again a safe country to travel.

Best regards
Rolf Waeber


Neydo Monastery

Impressions of Nepal

All pictures taken by Rolf Waeber


नेपाल भ्रमण गर्ने विभिन्न मुलुकहरुका पत्रकार तथा टुर गाईडहरुको टोलीले भूकम्पका कारण बाहिर प्रचारमा आएजति क्षति नभएको बताएका छन् । सोमबार प्यासिफिक एसिया ट्राभल एसोसियसन (पाटा) नेपाल च्याप्टरले राजधानीमा आयोजना गरेको एक अन्तक्र्रिया कार्यक्रममा सहभागी पत्रकार तथा टुर गाईडहरुले नेपाल सुरक्षित रहेको अनुभव बताएका हुन् ।
‘नेपाल आउनुअघि मैले धेरै नकारात्मक कुराहरु सुनेको थिएँ ।’ जर्मनीकी टुर प्रतिनिधि रोमी ग्यान्चले भनिन्, ‘नेपाल आएर यहाँको बस्तुस्थिति बुझ्दा सोचेभन्दा एकदमै कम क्षति भएको पाएँ ।’ नेपालबाट फर्केपछि म मेरा साथीहरुलाई टिकट रद्द नगर्न तथा नेपाल सुरक्षित रहेकाले घुम्न आउन उत्प्रेरित गर्नेछु ।’ ग्यान्चले थपिन । आफुले भूकम्पको क्षतिको बारेमा थुप्रै नकारात्मक कुरा थाहा पाएको तर नेपालका विभिन्न क्षेत्र घुम्दा आश्चर्यमा परेको उनले बताईन ।

जर्मनीकै अर्की प्रख्यात एक ब्लगर क्रिस्टाईनले राजधानीलगायत केहि ठाउँहरुमा मात्र भूकम्पको आंशिक क्षति रहेको तथा पोखरा, चितवनलगायत अधिकांश पर्यटकीय गन्तब्य सुरक्षित रहेको आफुले पाएको भन्दै यर्थाथमा आधारित रहेर आफुले सकारात्मक सुुचना संप्रेशण गर्ने विश्वास दिलाईन । त्यस्तै अन्तक्रियामा बोल्ने अन्य पत्रकार तथा पर्यटन क्षेत्रमा आवद्ध प्रतिनिधिहरुले पनि सञ्चार माध्यममा आएका कुृराहरु नकारात्मक भ्रम सृजना गर्ने खालका भएकोप्रति टिप्पणी गर्दै नेपाल भ्रमणमा आउनका लागि सूचित गर्ने बताएका थिए । हालको स्थितिमा पर्यटक आउन कुनै जोखिम नरहेकोमा उनिहरुको एकमत थियो ।
त्यस्तै अन्तक्रिया कार्यक्रममा बोल्दै पाटा नेपाल च्याप्टरका अध्यक्ष सुमन पाण्डेले नेपाल सुरक्षित रहेको र सक्दो पर्यटक आगमनमा सघाउन सहभागी प्रतिनिधिहरुलाई आह्वान गर्नुभएको थियो ।
जर्मन, नेदरल्याण्डलगायत युरोपका विभिन्न मुलुकहरुका सञ्चार तथा टुर प्रतिनिधिहरु एकहप्ते लामो बसाइँका क्रममा राजधानी काठमाडौँ, पोखरा, चितवनलगायतका क्षेत्रको भ्रमण गरेका थिए ।

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प्रकाशित मिति: 2015/08/11

Nepal is safe

Nepal is safe for travelling, say the journalists, bloggers, and tour operators from Germany and Netherlands, who are in field visit around Nepal after the earthquake. A team of twelve members including journalists, bloggers, and tour-operators acco

Nepal is Safe say European Journalists

Posted on August 11, 2015 by Royal Mountain

August 11, Kathmandu – Nepal is safe for travelling, say the journalists, bloggers, and tour operators from Germany and Netherlands, who are in field visit around Nepal after the earthquake.
A team of twelve members including journalists, bloggers, and tour-operators accomplished their seven days tour de’ Nepal, visited the famous touristic places of the nation. After their seven days tour, in a program organized by the Pacific Association of Travel Agents (PATA), they stated that Nepal, personally, wasn’t ruined by the earthquake from April, as it was exhibited in the international media, and both touristic destinations and sites were safe and sound.
They said Nepal was one of the exciting destinations for tourists around the world, and they promised they would amplify such words, “Nepal is Safe to Travel”, to their respective countries. On such occasion, president of PATA Nepal, Suman Pandey mentioned the sites which had been destroyed by the earthquake, were in maintenance process, and requested tourists from Europe to travel Nepal on their next vacation.
German journalist Thomas Limberg, tour operator Romy Ganschow, and remaining all suggested Nepal should advertise and must do proper market research to revive its tourism industry.
Such team visited Kathmandu Valley, Pokhara, Chitwan, Nagarkot, and Bhaktapur.
News Source: RSS


Nepal is safe to travel. Interview mit Reinhold Messner über die aktuelle Situation und warum jetzt gerade Reisen nach Nepal so wichtig sind..

Julia Brauer

Oft kommen Reisende nur in die touristischen Gegenden eines Landes. Bei meinem Urlaub in Nepal habe ich in das wahre Leben gesehen. In der Fremde zu Hause.

Julia Brauer
19. Oktober 2015